M43 - Overshadowed by its more famous neighbour!

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Messier 43 (NGC 1982) is an emission nebula surrounding the irregular young "nebula variable" NU Orionis. The star is ionising the gas that is near it -- making a sphere of glowing hydrogen gas. If it were not for M42 being so close this would be one of the highlights of the winter sky.


20 minutes in Hydrogen Alpha using Takahashi Ritchey Chrétien 300 with ABG ST8XE. Digital Development (DDP) via Maxim/DL was used in order to display the the very dim and very bright details of the image simultaneously.

Combination of 3 images - 4 x 60 seconds in red, green and blue. Digital Development (DDP) via Maxim/DL was used in order to display the the very dim and very bright details of the image simultaneously.

In collaboration with the Remote Astronomical Society Observatory

Martin Nicholson - Daventry, United Kingdom.

This page was last updated on November 27th 2007.