Comet 8P Tuttle - December 16th 2007

Return to Short Projects and Targets of Opportunity

Distance 0.3948 AU (59.1 million km) - magnitude 13.1

Méchain discovered this comet in the evening sky near Omicron Piscium in January 1790. Several very famous observers, including Charles Messier and William Herschel, observed the comet over the next three weeks. 2007/2008 will be a good apparition for this comet and on January 2nd 2008 it will be within 0.25 AU of Earth. The comet should then be an easy binocular object.

The field of view is 20 x 20 arc minutes

In collaboration with the Remote Astronomical Society Observatory

Martin Nicholson - Daventry, United Kingdom.

This page was last updated on December 16th 2007.