Short Term Variable Star Projects

New Discoveries R Mon Orion Short Projects

Fast Changing Stars

The quality of the lightcurves that can be obtained using AREO4 at RASO is obvious. It would be instructive to follow these stars for a number of consectutive cycles as there is a suggestion that the shape of each lightcurve is variable.

GP AND - Period 0.078683 days

BL CAM - Period 0.039098 days

SZ LYN - Period 0.120535 days

DY PEG - Period 0.072926 days

"O-C diagrams for eclipsing binary stars"

IU PER - Timing the minimum

SX LYN - Timing the minimum

V651 CAS - Timing the minimum

The dwarf nova SS Cygni in outburst

SS Cygni is a cataclysmic variable star, of the dwarf nova class. Such variables are comprised of a close binary system with a white dwarf primary star and a red dwarf secondary star. Over time the main sequence star loses matter towards the primary, forming an accretion disk around it. The observed outbursts are believed to be the result of processes that arise in this disk.


AAVSO - Variable star of the month



VSX data and assorted link-outs.

ADS Bibliography

AY Lyr in outburst

EI Psc in outburst

New Discoveries R Mon Orion Short Projects

Click here for a review of the strengths and weaknesses of the Global Rent-A-Scope operation.

Martin Nicholson - Daventry, United Kingdom.

This page was last updated on April 25th 2009.