The Hubble Palette - The effect of Image Processing

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The North America Nebula in Cygnus (NGC 7000)

Combining images from narrowband filters is often done using the Hubble tricolor palette, in which SII, Ha, and OIII are assigned to R, G, and B, respectively. These images were taken in October 2005 using a scope in New Mexico with an exposure of 5 x 5 minutes per filter using a Takahashi Sky 90 with a SBIG ST-10MXE.

As can be seen the extent of any subsequent image processing makes a lot of difference to the final appearance of the image. The three images were, in order, unprocessed, digitally developed using MaxIm DL and digitally developed then stretched in MaxIm DL.

Martin Nicholson - Daventry, United Kingdom.

This page was last updated on January 22nd 2011